The Art of The Pop-Up: Market Bloomin’

Briget Heidmous

The Art of from Femme Fatale DC is a mini-series of self-paced workshops for retail entrepreneurs. 


The weather is warming while spring and summer market opportunities abound.  

We have been hibernating and making our plans. So proud of you. We see you putting in the work for your future success! 

This is a self-paced guide to refining your outdoor market set-up for Spring. Take lots of written notes, make lists - make drawings and use visuals to help. 

Let’s get ready! 

Look At What You Have, Take An Inventory 

Carve out some clean space where you can set up your pop-up. Take it slow.  

Your pop-up infrastructure:

  1. What is the color palette of my pop-up? 

  2. What is providing texture? 

  3. What are the details? 

  4. What is providing cohesion? 

  5. How many displays do you have? 

  6. Does your display create height variation? 

  7. Does your display show off your product? 

  8. What is present in your display that shows the personality of your business?

  9. Does your display have a signature? If yes, what is it? 

  10. What signage do you have? 

  11. What packaging are you using for your products? 

  12. What rechargeable lighting do you have available for your use? 

Your products: 

  1. What are your top-selling products? 

  2. What are your most giftable products?

  3. What are your high-end products? 

  4. Are you introducing a new product? 

Get Inspired

We suggest utilizing Pinterest or another platform to organize your ideas visually. Set a time limit on this: perhaps keep it under 1 hour. 

Here is what we did to jumpstart the process for you: we set a 1-hour timer and scoured Pinterest for inspiration. If you’d like, start with what we have already found. Check out this Market Displays Pinterest board.

The goal here is to draw out what most inspires you and what presentation might connect buyers more fully with your products, ultimately converting “I’m just looking” to “I’d like to buy this.” 

Take Note of What Inspires  

  1. From your inspiration board, what elements stand out to you most? 

    1. Which colors? 

    2. Which shapes? 

    3. Which textures? 

    4. What furnishing? 

    5. What highlights? 

    6. What lighting?

  2. Of the elements you like, what can you make?

  3. Of the elements you like, what can you thrift? 

  4. Of the elements you like most, what do you already have? 

Make A Plan

Look at what you have, your products, and what you’re inspired by. 

  1. What primary function does your pop-up need to perform? 

  2. What cost-effective improvements can you implement first? 

  3. What is the final aesthetic you want for your pop-up? 

    1. Color 

    2. Minimalist 

    3. Maximalist 

    4. Texture 

    5. Detail 

    6. Signature elements 

    7. Signage

  4. How will you transport your pop-up? 

    1. Car? 

    2. Metro? 

    3. Rideshare? 

  5. What can you set up on your own? 

  6. What can a team member set up with little to no help? 

  7. What is your budget?

  8. What is your timeline for upgrades? 

Prepare For The Elements

In Spring, we contend with the wind, rain, increased heat, and sunshine. Make the most out of your opportunities by being prepared with a solid strategy and tools. 

Useful tools: 

  1. Tent 

  2. Weights for your tent, steaks for the grass. 

  3. Windbreaks  

  4. Paperweights

  5. Paper towels 

  6. Clear/transparent plastic sheeting

  7. Saran Wrap  

  8. A portable fan

  9. Bungie cords 

  10. Insect repellent 

  11. Sunscreen 

  12. Extra water 

  13. Snack, always snacks. These days are long!

Test Run

Do a test run - time yourself. 

The ideal setup time is fifty (50) mins or under for most pop-ups. Often venues and event organizers will give one (1) hour for set-up and one (1) hour for strike (tear down). 

Think - most significant impact and the smallest amount of effort setting up, striking, and transporting.


  1. Pack all of your products into your transportation containers. 

    1. Bags 

    2. Cases 

    3. Bins 

    4. Wagon

    5. Etc.

  2. Put out all base structures 

    1. Table 

    2. Chairs 

    3. Shelving 

    4. Tabletop displays 

    5. Etc. 

  3. Put out your products 

  4. Arrange your display as you envision 

  5. Take the pictures 

  6. Pack it up

Ideally, everything will fit back into your chosen transportation containers.

The Wrap

To wrap it up. Keep going. Take care to have an outsized impact without breaking your back at every market.  When the season picks up, opportunities might be available multiple times a week, and burnout is REAL. 

Take care of your mental health, and prioritize. 


The Art of Creating Buzz
