Behold.Her + Femme Fatale DC Team Up

Leah Judson, founder of Behold.Her, believes networking can be more human. At her events: bring your humanity, leave your title at the door, engage the womxn next to you,  and please, put down your phone. Thank you. 

This November: Behold.Her launches their first ever conference in Washington D.C. The meet-up is organized to “encourage self awareness and engagement between women, outside of defined work roles,” says Judson. Conference dates are 16-17 November, 2019. On the 16th, attendees of the conference have access to a market coordinated by Adriana Mendoza, Femme Fatale DC. 

At the conference, you won’t hear much work related talk: you’ll hear more about the lived experiences of womxn. A host of conversations, workshops and lectures, led by licensed professionals, will be happening over two days. Topics focus on life’s more difficult topics: ranging from money; sensuality; guilt; motherhood; joy and trauma. Judson ensures that the very sensitive topics will be led by licensed professionals. 

Beginning as a series of portraits and conversations, Behold.Her has grown into a conscious networking community. In the first years, this one-woman effort documented the faces, and stories, of over 150 womxn. The project grew organically becoming a side-hustle, on-top of a side side-hustle. About growing the project Judson says, “I began taking portraits, then realized that the images felt like, just images. They needed to be paired with stories.” as the project went on “I felt empowered by being welcomed into the intimate lives of women, and had a realization of what might have been missing in my own life. I wondered: What would this kind of intimacy look like as a greater project?”  

Like many of us, Judson often deals with burn-out. And, she encourages womxn to remain persistent with their goals, whether personal or professional. Her advice to up-and-coming socially engage entrepreneurs is: “Say yes more often, don’t let fear stop you.”  

At Femme Fatale DC we encourage fearless engagement, even ambition. We also encourage saying yes to what serves you, and no to what does not. 


Finding Your Good & Femme Fatale DC Work Together


The Creative Economy