Walls We Build has been an iterative process, made by friends and our community.
See it at Femme Fatale DC in Cleveland Park before December 24, 2021.
Photo courtesy of the artist, Briget Heidmous
Walls We Build, 2021
Briget Heidmous, Installation Artist
Caroline Bond, Activist and Fiber Artist
Reclaimed textile, wood, and metal
A collaborative community-built project co-led by Heidmous and Bond, “EarthFest” engagement opportunity facilitated by AnaMarie King.
Originally installed at Femme Fatale DC in Cleveland Park, DC, May 2021.
Walls We Build is an artist-led project interrogating the physical, metaphorical, societal, and institutional barriers constructed to disempower people. This community-built installation is indicative of what vision, leadership, education, place-making, facilitation, opportunity, and autonomous beings working together might accomplish.
Portrait courtesy of the artist, Briget Heidmous
The artists gather after creating a new component of Walls We Build, November 2021. Left, Caroline Bond, Center, AnaMarie King, and Right, Briget Heidmous.
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